
Mabapi le rona

JiangSu LiDing Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Liding Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. e ikemiselitse ho theha moralo o ikemetseng, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso, thekiso, ts'ebetso, ts'ebetso le tlhahlobo ea ts'ebetso ea ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere le lisebelisoa tse amanang le maemo a holimo. E thehiloe China.

E thehiloe ka 2013, khampani e na leBasebetsi ba 240le ho feta40 basebetsi ba R&Dka litlotla tsa profeshenale tse mahareng le tse phahameng.

Liding Environmental Protection e na le laboratori e ikemetseng ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, e nang le matsete a selemo le selemo a R&D eali-yuan tse fetang limilione tse 10. E saenetse tšebelisano-'moho ea maqheka le liunivesithi tse ngata tse tsebahalang le likoleche tsa Chaena, tse kang Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Univesithi ea Anhui Chuzhou, Univesithi ea Hebei ea Theknoloji, 'me e na le litsebi tse makholo tsa thuto. "China New Suzhou Industrial Park Leading Talent Enterprise and High-tech Enterprise Certification".

Matla a Rona




R&D letsete


Sebaka sa semela



Setsi sa R&D sa k'hamphani se sebakeng sa Suzhou Industrial Park, 'me litsi tse peli tsa tlhahiso li fumaneha Changshu, Profinseng ea Jiangsu le Xuchang, Profinseng ea Henan. Sebaka sa feme se feta35,000 square metres, le tlhahiso ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea50 lihlophaea lihlahisoa tsa likhoerekhoere le lisebelisoa tse tšehetsang.

Khampani e na le tse fetang10 lilemoea nang le boiphihlelo lits'ebeletso tsa kalafo ea likhoerekhoere tsa mahaeng, 'me e ikemiselitse ho rala, ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso, thekiso, ho kenya, ts'ebetso le tlhahlobo ea lisebelisoa tsa tsamaiso ea likhoerekhoere tse arotsoeng libakeng tsa indasteri ea tikoloho.

Ho latela litšoaneleho tsa likhoerekhoere maemong a fapaneng a ajoang, Tšireletso ea Tikoloho ea Liding e ntlafalitse le ho etsa lithane tse 0.3-10000 tsa lihlahisoa tsa likhoerekhoere tse sebetsang hantle haholo le tse bolokang matla tsa mefuta e fapaneng ea ts'ebetso: lisebelisoa tsa kalafo ea likhoerekhoere tsa lelapa le le leng la ntlo ea scrubber ™, LD. -SA tanka ea tlhoekiso, LD-SC lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere tsa mahaeng, LD-SMBR lisebelisoa tse kopaneng tsa likhoerekhoere, LD-JM lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere tsa litoropo, LD-BZ FRP seteishene sa pompo se kopaneng, lisebelisoa tsa kalafo tsa leachate tsa LD-SLE le lihlahisoa tse ling tse ngata tse kopaneng.

Haesale re phethahatsa boitlamo bo tiileng ba "ho aha motse oa seliba" 'me ra kenya letsoho molemong oa Lefatše le letle.